A Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) film featuring Sam Wilson as the new Captain America. This installment will explore Wilson's journey as he takes on the mantle and faces international challenges.

Director: Julius Onah Main Cast: Anthony Mackie as Sam Wilson, with Danny Ramirez, Shira Haas, and Harrison Ford. .

Plot Focus: Sam Wilson navigates global conflicts as the new Captain America. Background: Continuation from The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (2021).

Release Timeline: Currently expected in 2024

A unique MCU film centered on a team of antiheroes working for the U.S. government. This ensemble cast brings together both familiar and new faces in an action-packed storyline.

Director: Jake Schreier Main Cast: Florence Pugh, Sebastian Stan, David Harbour, Wyatt Russell, Julia Louis-Dreyfus. Plot Focus: A team of antiheroes taking on secret missions for the government.

Background: First introduced within MCU hints starting in 2021. Filming Locations: Trilith Studios, Atlanta, GA, and additional scenes in Utah.

thunderbolt Release Timeline: Scheduled for May 2, 2025